Shaw Prizes Awarded

The Shaw Prize is awarded annually in three disciplines, namely, Astronomy, Life Science and Medicine and Mathematical Sciences.

As of 2024, 64 Shaw Prizes have been awarded:
21 in Astronomy;
22 in Life Science (an additional prize was awarded in 2004);
21 in Mathematical Sciences.

Shaw Laureates

  • 110

    individuals have been awarded the Shaw Prize between 2004 to 2024

  • 37

    Laureates in Astronomy

  • 41

    Laureates in Life Science and Medicine

  • 32

    Laureates in Mathematical Sciences

Shared and Unshared Prizes

  • 10

    Prizes have been awarded to one laureate only

  • 6

    Prizes have been shared by two laureates

  • 5

    Prizes have been shared by three laureates

Life Science & Medicine
  • 8

    Prizes have been awarded to one laureate only

  • 9

    Prizes have been shared by two laureates

  • 5

    Prizes have been shared by three laureates

Mathematical Sciences
  • 10

    Prizes have been awarded to one laureate only

  • 11

    Prizes have been shared by two laureates

Shaw Prize Award

Each Prize Award carries:
A Gold Medal,
A Certificate and
A Monetary Award of US$1.2 Million (US$1 Million in 2004 to 2015)
*Laureates sharing one Prize shall each receive a medal and a certificate

Youngest Laureate

Adam Riess was awarded the Shaw Prize in Astronomy in 2006 at age 37,
making him the youngest Shaw Laureate at the time of award.

Oldest Laureate

Shiing-Shen Chern was the oldest Shaw Laureate.
He was awarded the Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences in 2004 at age 93.

Other International Awards

16 Shaw Laureates were subsequently awarded the Nobel Prize.

Nomination of Candidates

Nomination is by invitation only.
Each invited nominator may make one nomination only.
Nomination of a person already deceased shall not be considered.
Self nominations and nominations by uninvited parties shall not be considered.
All nominations must be completed and submitted electronically.
Nomination opens yearly from early September until the end of November.

Adjudication on nominations

Adjudication period begins in mid-December and recommendation on selected candidate(s) shall be presented to the Council for approval by the following April.

The Adjudication Team

The Team comprises the Board of Adjudicators; directly under the Board are the three Selection Committees, each responsible for one prize category. The Board of Adjudicators is headed by a Chair and assisted by a Vice-Chair and other Members on the Board are the Chairs for the three Selection Committees for the three prize categories. The size of each Selection Committee varies due to the demand on work. Members on the Adjudication Team are not eligible for nomination during the period of their service.