About the prize





  • Mission
  • Principle
  • Today
  • Future
About the prize
  • Mission

    Mr Run Run Shaw, a visionary philanthropyist, held a steadfast conviction in the power of knowledge. He recognised the critical role that scientists play in illuminating the intricate mysteries of nature, and understood that their tireless efforts are fundamental to the advancement of civilisation.

    In 2002, under the auspice of Mr Shaw, the Shaw Prize Foundation was established. The inaugural Shaw Prize was presented two years later in 2004. The Shaw Prize consists of three annual awards, namely the Prize in Astronomy, the Prize in Life Science and Medicine, and the Prize in Mathematical Sciences. Each prize carries a monetary award, which has been set at of one million two hundred thousand US dollars since 2016.

  • Principle

    The Shaw Prize honours individuals, regardless of race, nationality, gender, and religious belief, who are currently active in their respective fields and who have recently achieved distinguished and significant advances, who have made outstanding contributions in academic and scientific research or applications, or who in other domains have achieved excellence. The Shaw Prize is dedicated to furthering societal progress, enhancing quality of life, and enriching humanity’s spiritual civilisation.

  • Today

    Since 2004, the Shaw Prize has recognized over a hundred exceptional individuals who have made groundbreaking contributions to their respective fields, many of whom have gone on to receive other prestigious international awards. The Shaw Prize Foundation has also taken a proactive role in advancing scientific literacy through a range of engaging activities, including lectures, public forums, exhibitions, and other outreach programmes, in partnership with esteemed local and international universities and institutions.

  • Future

    The Shaw Prize Foundation, committed to upholding Mr Shaw’s vision, remains dedicated to the promotion of excellence and innovation, and aspires to serve as a beacon of inspiration for those who seek to make a positive impact on society. Through its unwavering commitment to this mission, the Shaw Prize Foundation is poised to encourage and elevate the next generation of scientists and innovators, for the benefit of humankind.

The Shaw Prize consists of three annual awards