
羅傑 • 布蘭福德



2020年度邵逸夫天文學獎頒予羅傑・布蘭福德 (Roger D Blandford) 以表彰他對理論天體物理學的根本性貢獻,特別是在活躍星系核的基本理解、相對論性噴流的形成和準直、黑洞的能量提取機制和激波中的粒子加速及其相關的輻射機制。羅傑・布蘭福德是美國史丹福大學文理學院盧克・布魯森講座教授、物理學教授暨粒子物理學及天文物理學教授。




In 1918, the American astronomer Heber Curtis used the Crossley Reflector at Lick Observatory in California to take optical photographs of nearby galaxies. When observing M87, the central elliptical galaxy in the Virgo galaxy cluster 53 million light years from the Sun, Curtis noted the lack of a spiral structure and observed a “curious straight ray … apparently connected with the nucleus by a thin line of matter”. This measurement heralded the discovery of radio jets, the ejection of highly collimated, relativistic plasma streams or “blobs”, from a central energy source. Forty years later radio astronomers in the UK and Australia discovered a new class of “radio stars” not obviously connected with bright optical nebulae. Caltech astronomer Maarten Schmidt then used the large 5 m Hale telescope on Palomar to identify a faint, compact optical nebula associated with one of these radio stars, 3C273. Schmidt interpreted the substantial (16%) redshift of all spectral lines in the optical spectrum as being caused by the expansion of the Universe. If so, 3C273 must be 2.4 billion light years from us, 45 times further away than M87, and the optical luminosity of the faint compact speck would have to be about one thousand times greater than the 100 billion stars of our Milky Way. Thus began the subject of quasars, quasi-stellar radio sources. Many quasars and other somewhat less spectacular “active galactic nuclei” (AGN) exhibit powerful radio jets.


羅傑・布蘭福德  (Roger D Blandford) 在1949年於英國林肯郡格蘭瑟姆出生,目前是美國史丹福大學文理學院盧克・布魯森講座教授、物理學教授暨粒子物理學及天文物理學教授。1970年於英國劍橋大學取得理論物理學學士學位後,在1974年於該校取得博士學位。他曾是 英國劍橋大學抹大拉書院查爾斯・金斯萊附隨院士 (1972–1973) 及聖約翰書院研究員 (1973–1976)。其後,他加入美國加州理工學院工作,先後擔任助理教授 (1976–1979)、教授 (1979–1989) 和理查德・切斯・托爾曼理論天文物理學教授 (1989–2004)。他在2003至2013年於美國史丹福大學出任科維理粒子天體物理學與宇宙學研究所 (KIPAC) 陳丕宏和戚淑英講座所長 (2003–2005)。他也是SLAC國家 加速器實驗室粒子物理學及天體物理學學部KIPAC分部主管 (2005–2013)。羅傑・布蘭福德是美國國家科學院、美國人文與科學院和英國倫敦皇家學會院士。
