



伊恩・维尔穆特(Ian Wilmut)基夫・坎贝尔(Keith Campbell)山中伸弥(Shinya Yamanaka)前沿性的研究揭示,哺乳动物细胞可以再塑成为早期的干细胞,他们的研究也为推进人类疾病治疗新方法和农业的发展做出了重要贡献。




During the development of vertebrates, including humans, the fertilized egg develops into the embryo, and the cells in the embryo then proceed to differentiate to form somatic cells of different tissues and organs. The fertilized egg is considered totipotent, as it can develop into a whole organism, while the cells in the embryo are pluripotent because they are capable of differentiating into somatic cells that make up all the organs. Half a century ago, it was found by John Gurdon that this developmental clock can be reversed, and that differentiated somatic cells in a frog model could regain their pluripotency or totipotency. Attempts were then made to show that mammalian cells – and human cells in particular – could also be reprogrammed back to a pluripotent state, because it is believed that such knowledge may advance our understanding of developmental mechanisms, and yield new approaches for disease treatment. The breakthroughs came within the last 15 years. The scientists honoured by the 2008 Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine used different approaches to reprogramme an adult cell into the totipotent or pluripotent state, and in doing so made important contributions to potential new approaches to improve agriculture practices and to treat human diseases.

Ian Wilmut and Keith H S Campbell worked together in the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh for many years, using sheep as the model, in order to understand the early physiology of the egg and how laboratory manipulations can improve our knowledge of the development from egg to birth. They pioneered a new technique of starving embryo cells before transferring their nucleus to fertilized egg cells. The technique synchronized the cell cycles of both cells and the results led Wilmut and Campbell to believe that any type of cell could be used to produce a clone. In 1995, they produced a pair of lambs called Megan and Morag from embryonic cells. They performed nuclear transfer experiments in which nuclei from embryonic, foetal and adult cells of the sheep were transplanted into fertilized eggs derived from ewes. Although the yield was low, they were successful in obtaining live newborn lambs from these transfers. One of the live-born lambs, Dolly, was derived from the transplantation of the nucleus of an adult mammary cell. Thus, Dolly was the first example of the reprogramming of the adult cell back to totipotency in a mammal. They further created a sheep called Polly in which they showed that it was possible to incorporate a human gene into the donor’s DNA before cloning, thus indicating that it may be possible to use animals to produce human proteins for the benefit of mankind. Since then, the work of Wilmut and Campbell has been duplicated in many other animal species and has provided approaches to produce useful therapeutic products with cloned animals and to improve agricultural practices.

伊恩・维尔穆特教授 (Ian Wilmut) (1944-2023)

伊恩・维尔穆特教授 (Ian Wilmut) 1944年出生于英国汉普顿露西,现任英国爱丁堡大学MRC再生医学中心主任。1974年加入罗斯林研究所,并曾任董事。于英国诺丁汉大学毕业后,1971年获剑桥大学博士学位。1999年获颁OBE及于2008年受勋。

2008年6月10日 香港


基夫・坎贝尔 (Keith H S Campbell) (1954-2012)

基夫・坎贝尔 (Keith H S Campbell) (1954-2012) 1954年出生于英国,是英国诺丁汉大学生物科学院动物发展学教授。1991-1997年曾任罗斯林研究所生物学家,后成为 PPL Therapeutics 有限公司胚胎学主管至1999年加入诺丁汉大学。曾获伦敦大学微生物学学士学位及英国苏塞克斯大学博士学位。坎贝尔教授于2012年10月5日在英国逝世,享年58岁。

2008年6月10日 香港


山中伸弥 (Shinya Yamanaka)

山中伸弥 (Shinya Yamanaka) 1962年出生於日本大阪。现任日本京都大学辖下再生医科学研究所教授及物质-细胞统合科学研究所iPS细胞研究与应用中心主任。2007年曾任美国三藩市加州大学格拉德斯通学院客席科学家。1987年获神户大学医学学位及1993年获大阪市立大学研究院博士学位。
